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Did you know?

Many neighbors might not know this, but the entirety of Cottontown is not actually within the "historic district" listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Currently, we have two similar yet distinct boundaries that we want to make sure our residents understand. In the map, the red boundary encompasses all the houses that are within the historic district on the National Register. However, the City of Columbia has also created an Historic Preservation Overlay, which is represented by the yellow properties on the map. These properties that are within the local preservation overlay are the ones that are subject to restrictions to how we renovate our houses, and what changes we can make. Fortunately, it also gives us access to benefits like the Bailey Bill! Essentially, by having homes in the City's Preservation Overlay and excluded from the National Register, some of our neighbors are subjected to regulation without maximizing the benefit. Currently, the Historic Preservation Committee is hard at work finding ways to make these two boundaries the same, or at least much more similar, so that we can bring about the renovation benefits found in being on the National Register of Historic Places to as many of our neighbors as possible!

Helpful References

City of Columbia Historic Preservation

Renovating Your Historic Home

Bailey Bill vs. State Income Tax Credits